7 Quick Takes Friday - July 6, 2012

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My dad is gone, and we are missing him!

We had a really fun week; I can't believe how fast it went!

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Last weekend we went to the Grand Canyon. We'd all been there once before but Dad wanted to see it again, so off we went.

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The next day, we went to an arts & crafts fair in Prescott, AZ. It was so much fun! We picked up some nice things, including this handmade sign that I immediately hung in our foyer:

I was also amused by this one:

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On Monday, I had my first day at my new job! It went very well. Lots of great people, and I have a very nice new space in which to work. The highlight, for me, was seeing the outdoor eating area at my new office. It has a fish pond. Yes, a fish pond, with koi fish and even a turtle named Thomas!

Plus, I have my own (underground) parking space!

It was a very good day. If anyone's interested, here's the official press release from my new employer regarding the acquisition from my old company.

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Collin had to work on Tuesday, so the kids and my dad and I went out thrift store shopping (my dad's favorite thing to do). I found some nice things, including a picture frame I have some big plans for (more on that next week, perhaps...).

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On the Fourth of July, it RAINED! I was so happy! That sounds weird, but it's been quite a while since we last saw rain in our area so it was very welcome. The rain cleared up by mid-afternoon and we were able to keep our annual Fourth tradition of going to a minor league baseball game at Surprise Stadium (and seeing the fireworks display afterwards). Gabriel was quite impressed:

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On Thursday we went to a movie that I liked very much:

Afterwards we played a round of miniature golf, which would have been a lot more fun without an active toddler and a teething infant in tow - but we still had a good time.

Whew, what a week! I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Those signs are neat!

    We were supposed to see Brave today, but with Amelia being sick, we couldn't, obviously.

    I can't believe how cool it was on the 4th. I was out of town, but it was even more beautiful up there because of it. Loved it!

    Yay for all the nice stuff with the new job!!

  2. What was it about the movie that you liked so much? I'm curious, because I'd like to take my kids, but I'm pretty cautious about Disney movies lately. (Have you noticed that Madegascar (sp?) 3 has a character saying "Holy crap!" in it???)

    1. Becky - I just realized that I meant to include a link to the DecentFilms.com review of "Brave," so I've edited the post to add a link. I pretty much agree with Steve Greydanus' take. I liked that it was a positive portrayal of a nuclear family, and a good mother-daughter film (with the father figure present and involved).

  3. I saw Brave this week too, and I loved it! Your kids are beautiful! :)


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