Thanks to Jen for hosting.
1. Please say a prayer for Cam today.
2. We met Elanor's new teacher, "Mrs. E.," last night. She is a lovely woman and has been a teacher for 20 years. She and Elanor hit it off well, and I'm glad I mentioned Elanor's diagnosis of autism last year and IEP because her teacher had no idea Elanor would be receiving special ed services! Anyway, I think the beginning of this school year should go a lot more smoothly than last year. We're going to buy her school supplies this weekend so she'll be all ready for her first day on Monday.
3. William is having a lot of fun at T-ball, especially since uncle Chaun (who's been taking him every Saturday) and Grandpa Keith teamed up and bought him his very own glove, bat, baseball hat, and his own T-ball stand! God bless generous relatives. :)
4. Violet is 17 months old today! I feel remiss because I haven't documented any of her words yet. (With Elanor, I kept a spreadsheet of them! Ah, the anal-retentiveness of first-time moms...) Anyway, here are some (but not all, as I'm sure I'll forget a few) of the words Violet loves to say: Mama, Daddy, Grandpa, NO!, yah (yes), shoe, book, hug ("UG! UG!"), cereal, cup, I'm done, get down, let go (from the last three phrases, can you tell she's hit that independent toddler phase??).
5. Phoenix's Institute of Catholic Theology has a GREAT lineup of classes this fall! If you're in the Phoenix area, check it out!
6. I wish I could take one of the classes above, but effective next week Collin's work schedule is changing to Monday-Thursday, with Friday-Sunday off. It's GREAT that we'll have both weekend days together again, but that means I won't be able to take an ICT class, as his schedule probably won't change until December or so. Bummer. Maybe in the spring...
7. I felt baby's kicks from outside for the first time this morning (exactly 21 weeks today!). S/he is a feisty one!
Enjoy the baby kicks. Have a nice weekend. :-)