7 Quick Takes Friday - July 29, 2011

Thanks to Jen for hosting.

1. Lately I've realized that I take far fewer pictures of the kids than I used to do; it's a combination of a slowly dying iPhone and being forgetful of the fact that I have a digital camera. Another problem is that Violet never stays still -- the vast majority of the pictures I have taken of her are blurry because she's constantly moving!

So, over the past few days I've made an effort to take more pictures of them. I haven't succeeded as well as I'd hoped, but I got a few decent ones.

2. Here is Violet sitting in her favorite chair (my grandmother Violet found it at a rummage sale for $5 and bought it for us!):

3. Here's Violet again in her chair, being a goofball by waving her feet in the air:

4. Here's Violet again, laughing at me as I'm about to plug in the camera to transfer the pictures -- she was so darn cute I couldn't resist another picture.

5. Here's William right after I transferred the pictures -- he saw me with the camera and specifically asked me to take a picture of him (he needs a haircut soon!):

6. This is Elanor last Saturday morning as we were all lounging about in our PJs with bedhead:

7. And finally, as I posted on Monday, here's the newest member of our family (I didn't take this picture, obviously!):

Isn't s/he cute??

Bonus #8: My dad asked for a video of Violet walking, so I took a short one last Saturday morning (again, while we were all lounging around in PJs and with bedhead, so just ignore the brief glimpses of me!):


  1. Your kids are adorable! I think I'm the opposite and take too many pics! LOL Although I challenged myself this year to take 1 photo each day for 365 days. The kids are in a ton of them. http://shutterbugmam.blogspot.com/

  2. Your kiddos are gorgeous! I know all too well about the blurry photos, check out my 7 quick takes this week. I can never get a good pic of Tessa lately. She's always wiggling or dancing lol. I have your Unplanned book that Leila sent to me. I need to know where to send it next. I do have some family that might want to read it, so if that's ok, maybe I'll send it to them? Let me know! Thanks for the traveling book idea. It made me read the book faster because I know people are wanting to read it after me!

  3. Beautiful kiddos! We take lots of photos, but there are lots of blurry ones...active kids are hard to catch on camera! :)

  4. Oh my gosh, I love a post that makes me smile!! Your kids are so gorgeous!!!!


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