Thanks to Jen for hosting.
1. Please pray for my friend Angela, who died suddenly of a heart attack last week. She was in her early fifties, and Collin and I know her and her husband through our parish's marriage prep program (she and her husband were also volunteers). Her funeral is tomorrow at 10:30am.
2. Please also pray for the repose of the soul of my uncle William Berube (pronounced Bur-bee), who died one year ago tomorrow. I still miss him very much.
3. Other than the funeral in #1, we're planning to spend the weekend at home getting some much-needed projects done. A friend of my MIL's who is moving to Tucson gave us two matching twin beds (free!), so we're going to move those into Elanor's room, move Elanor's current bed into William's room, and move the daybed in William's room into Collin's office. Plus we need to clean the kitchen and catch up on the laundry. Busy busy busy!
4. Collin's also going to set up our new DVD holder and a bookcase we bought for Elanor's room. Hopefully we can get all of our DVDs organized and put away so they're not scattered around in various boxes.
5. Violet is getting into everything. I swear, she's worse than Elanor and William were at this age combined. She's figured out how to turn my computer on and off, and how to open the CD/DVD drive! I also think we're going to have to put a baby gate around the TV stand in the living room, because she likes to play with the buttons on the DVD player (which causes issues when the older two are trying to watch a movie). Whenever I try to load the dishwasher, she crawls over and starts taking silverware out of the rack and throwing it on the floor. I may resort to setting up a baby jail this weekend just so I can get things done without worrying about what she's gotten into now.
6. Oh, another to-do project for this weekend is to go through their toys and donate at least half to St. Vincent de Paul. I just did this six months ago but I swear their toys breed when we're not at home.
7. I had no idea that my Open Letter to Congresswoman Speier would garner so many follow up posts, but thanks to the linky love by atheist P.Z. Myers, I had some commenters take issue with some of my points. You can see the initial comments I responded to at this post, and a further response here. I appreciated the dialogue but I wish both commenters could have responded to more of my points.
Bonus #8. I was doing some research for a work-related project, and I found this: 350 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. Wow! There are a lot of great courses listed. I think I may start with "Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument."
Have a great weekend!
Your little one and my little one are joined at the brain, I think. :)