Brief Update

I know I've been quiet lately - I've mostly been posting at my Clubfoot blog, as we're nearing the end of the casting phase of treatment.

Peter had his tenotomy procedure yesterday and it went smoothly, praise God!

I go back to work on December 2. Not thrilled about that, but unfortunately I don't have a choice. I only had six weeks of paid leave and I'm using vacation time to cover the remaining two weeks. I was hoping a miracle would happen and Collin would find a new job with better pay that would allow me to be a stay-at-home mom, but that hasn't happened.

I know Peter will be in good hands with our daycare providers, but I'm still dreading having to leave him. :(

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I tried to comment on your other blog but don't see it showing up, but I wnated to talk to you about bracing if you'd like. Send me an email!


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