Thanks to Jen for hosting.
1. I was not expecting to see the parking lot of my office building cordoned off by police tape this morning. I had park a block away and use a different entrance. As it turns out, there was a shooting at the hotel next door this morning, and it involved a person shooting at police officers. Thankfully, no one was killed. I have no idea why they had to block off our parking lot, but luckily they opened it up again an hour or two after I got here so I was able to move my car.
2. Update on SeƱor/ita Cuatro - I had an OB appointment on Tuesday, and got to hear Baby's heartbeat. S/he kept moving around so we never got to hear it for more than a few seconds, but the NP estimated it was 150bpm. I think I've been feeling him/her kick for the past week, too. They're not butterfly flutters, either; these are genuine kicks. I think we've got a feisty one in there. :)
3. The belly's poking out, too; I'm already in maternity clothes. I still look just fat as opposed to pregnant, but I doubt it'll be that way for long. At least I haven't gained any weight, yet -- I've actually lost about 10lbs thanks to the nausea, and it's weight I can definitely afford to lose!
4. As I mentioned last week, I did indeed write a book review for Catholic Phoenix on Ann Margaret Lewis' "Murder in the Vatican: The Church Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes." I was pleased to see that my review was also posted on the Ignatius Press blog, and the author herself commented on my piece over at CP!
5. I'm now reading "The Apostle of Common Sense," and even though I'm only a few pages in, I'm enjoying it immensely.
6. Elanor has her very first sleepover tonight! She's going to spend the night at her cousin Candyce's house. We've had Candyce over to our house to sleep over a few times, but Elly has never gone there, so this is a big event (for both of us!). I'm sure she'll do fine -- she loves going over to Uncle Chaun & Aunt Keri's house -- but I can't believe how big she's getting. I think the worst part will be dealing with the sad little boy who wants to sleep over, too.
7. My niece Adlee Beth was baptized into the Catholic Church last Sunday. Isn't she beautiful? I wish I could have been there. Yay for another sister in Christ!
Happy Friday!
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